Skinner Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1HG

01977 794 179

St Giles C of E Academy

Growing Together


Key Stage One

Class 1 - Class Teacher Mrs Best TA's: Mrs Wilks and Miss Lambeth

Class 1/2 - Class Teacher : Mrs McGuinness Trainee Teacher: Miss Curtis

Class 2- Class Teachers Mrs Fowler and Mrs Burton, HLTA: Mrs Jepson



Key Information

School starts  - 8:40am  Registers close at 8:50 for KS1

School Finishes - 3:15pm



Any other information you may need can be found through your child's Dojo page. If you need their log in details please let your class teacher know.



Reading expectations at home: 

We expect children to read at home a minimum of twice a week in Key Stage One, preferably three times. Once a child has read, please record it in reading records as this will enable us to move children along the reading race and check them on the list. Feel free to allow children to read a wider range of books in addition to those sent home in book bags. It is vitally essential for their vocabulary and comprehension that children hear adults read trickier books to them so having a bedtime story, for example, is also a great practice to have at home! Books are changed once a week.

We follow a Little Wandle scheme for phonics which impacts our Big Cat books that we send home along with a sharing book.


PE: Our PE days are shown on Dojo and children can come to school in PE kit and stay in PE kit all day. Please remember to bear the weather in mind when doing so - longer tracksuit bottoms and jackets are allowed.


Daily essentialsEach day it is essential that children bring...  a clean water bottle with fresh water and their book bag (in order to change books and communicate via reading records.) 

  For more information on our current topic as well as notices, please check class dojo regularly as we we post weekly information here 



Promoting Independence


Promoting independence and active learners is a huge part of the curriculum and as your child moves through school it is essential we encourage them to be as independent as possible in their attitude towards learning as well as in their own self independence.

Please help promote your child’s independence this year by;


  • reminding them about homework and spelling deadlines (Year 2 - every Friday).
  • teaching them to be responsible for their belongings.
  • helping them to understand why learning is important.
  • teaching them how to tie shoelaces.
  • learn your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and then the 3 times tables. (Year 2)
  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s (Year 1)
  • learn how to tell the time (O'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to)  and know the times of key events in the day.

KS1 LTP Cycle A and B

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